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美[tel]  英[tel]
v.  告诉;吩咐;讲述;表达;辨别;判断;泄露;告发;产生效果
  形容词:tellable  过去式:told  过去分词:told  现在分词:telling  第三人称单数:tells


  1. 吩咐,命令,指示
  2. 告诉,告知
  3. 说,讲,讲述,叙述,表达
  4. 产生效果,发生影响,奏效
  5. 搬弄是非,嚼舌头
  6. 命中,打中,击中
  7. 证明,显明,显示,表明
  8. 忠告,警告
  9. 识别,判定
  10. 判定,确定,知道
  11. <口>告发,泄密,泄漏,说坏话
  12. 提供(情况),报告
  13. 分辨,辨别
  14. 明确说出来,讲明
  15. 闲谈,聊天
  16. 数,计算
  1. 传说,传闻
  2. 讲的话(或事)
  3. 【考古】人工丘阜


  1. vt. 告诉 give information (in spoken or written words)
  2. vt. 吩咐 give order; direct
  3. vi. 泄露秘密 reveal a secret
  4. vi. 决定,确定 decide or determine; know definitely


  1. a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap)
  1. express in words;

    "He said that he wanted to marry her" "tell me what is bothering you" "state your opinion" "state your name"

  2. let something be known;

    "Tell them that you will be late"

  3. narrate or give a detailed account of;

    "Tell what happened" "The father told a story to his child"

  4. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority;

    "I said to him to go home" "She ordered him to do the shopping" "The mother told the child to get dressed"

  5. discern or comprehend;

    "He could tell that she was unhappy"

  6. inform positively and with certainty and confidence;

    "I tell you that man is a crook!"

  7. give evidence;

    "he was telling on all his former colleague"

  8. mark as different;

    "We distinguish several kinds of maple"


  1. tell a falsehood〔lie〕说谎
  2. tell a story讲故事
  3. tell one's beads边数念珠边祈祷
  4. tell one's experiences诉说自己的经历
  5. tell sb's fate〔fortune,future〕给某人算命
  6. tell the difference分辨差别
  7. tell the soldiers命令士兵们
  8. tell the stars数星星
  9. tell the time报时
  10. tell the truth说实话
  11. tell twins区分双胞胎
  1. tell amply充分说明
  2. tell artfully机智地说
  3. tell badly讲得很拙劣
  4. tell bluntly直言不讳地告诉
  5. tell candidly讲话公正
  6. tell complacently自鸣得意地讲
  7. tell conclusively最后决定
  8. tell dispassionately心平气和地讲述
  9. tell effectively有效地影响
  10. tell exactly确切地说出
  11. tell fearlessly大胆地说
  12. tell fervently讲话热情
  13. tell flatly直截了当地说
  14. tell frankly直率地告诉
  15. tell genially愉快地讲述
  16. tell gravely严重泄密
  17. tell heavily影响很大
  18. tell hysterically歇斯底里地责骂
  19. tell impressively讲话感人
  20. tell jestingly说话没趣
  21. tell much讲得充分
  22. tell musically声调和谐
  23. tell plainly明白地告诉
  24. tell regretfully遗憾地说
  25. tell reverently敬言
  26. tell seriously郑重地告诉
  27. tell simply简明地讲述
  28. tell straight直率地说
  29. tell vividly讲述生动
  30. tell well讲得很好
  31. tell apart把…区别开
  32. tell off number报数
  1. tell about谈…的情况
  2. tell about the game讲述那场比赛
  3. tell about the incident讲述那件事
  4. tell from a quick examination迅速查清
  5. tell the true from the false辨别真伪
  6. tell on health影响健康


  1. It's very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。
  2. Let me tell you some details about clearance.让我告诉你一些通关的细节。
  3. Tell that joker to stop using my parking space.叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
  4. He always does what his superiors tell him.他惟上级之命是从。
  5. He wanted to tell the news to the world.他要把这件事告诉每一个人。
  6. I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。
  7. I can't tell you how happy I am.我无法向你表达我多么高兴。
  8. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddnest thought.我们最甜蜜的歌就是表达最苦恼思想的歌。
  9. It is hard to tell who is who in the parade.在游行队伍中很难分清谁是谁。
  10. I can never tell natural silk from artificial.我不能分辨真丝和人造丝。
  11. It's impossible to tell who will win the next election.下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。
  12. I can tell from the way you speak that you are from Australia.根据你说话的方式,我能判断你是澳大利亚人。
  13. You promised not to tell but you have done so .你曾保证过不泄露机密,可是你却把它泄露了出去。
  14. They pledged themselves never to tell the secret .他们保证绝不泄露秘密。
  15. You're saying you gonna tell on me?你是说你想要告发我?
  16. If someone tried to blackmail me I would tell the police.如果有人企图敲诈我,我就向警察告发。
  17. Your efforts are beginning to tell.你的努力正在开始产生效果。
  18. His unselfish work is beginning to tell.他无私的工作开始产生效果。


    tell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。 tell可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可以是名词或代词,也可以是带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。 tell作“吩咐”解时,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 tell可用于被动结构。 tell在非正式语体中可以引出直接引语。


  1. 他告诉我们他通过了考试。

    He told that he had passed the exam.

    He told us that he had passed the exam.

    tell后不能直接接从句表示“告知某人某事”时,须接双宾语,即tell sb sth。


    The teacher told us don't make any noise.

    The teacher told us not to make any noise.

    “告诉某人不要做某事”,英语用“tell sb not to do sth ”,即用不定式作复合宾语。


    Telling the truth,I'm not very interested in going to the show.

    To tell the truth,I'm not very interested in going to the show.

    to tell the truth常在句中作插入语,这是一种固定表达方式,不用分词短语。


    As I spoke to you yesterday, he got up to speak and said nothing at the meeting.

    As I told you yesterday, he got up to speak and said nothing at the meeting.



    Don't say lies!

    Don't tell lies!



    She told,“I am leaving.”

    She said,“I am leaving.”

    tell后面一般要加说话的对象(人称代词),然后再加说话的内容; 而say可以直接加内容。


    They are so alike that only their mother can tell Jane and Sar.

    They are so alike that only their mother can tell Jane and Sar apart.

    They are so alike that only their mother can tell Jane from Sar.

    “把…分得清楚,把…辨别开”英文用tell...from...或tell...and... apart表示。


    Every student can tell his nervousness before the examinations.

    Every student can tell of his nervousness before the examinations.

    tell 作为“告诉,讲述”讲,用在能讲完整的事物前,如story, news, truth, lie, opinion, views等时是及物动词; 用在不能讲清楚或讲完整的事物前,是不及物动词,后面要跟of或about。


    He told me some information about this prestigious university.

    He gave me some information about this prestigious university.

    可以说give sb information, supply〔provide〕 sb with information,但不能说tell sb information。


    She inspected John's palm and said his fortune.

    She inspected John's palm and told his fortune.

    表示“(给某人)算命”,要说 tell sb's fortune,不可以说 say sb's fortune。